Robertson Common, Gardens & Grounds

Robertson Heritage Railway Station, Yarranga Street, Robertson


Robertson Heritage Railway Station, Yarranga Street, Robertson

P. 02 4885 1256


Robertson Common

The Robertson Common is a large triangular  shaped grassed area with two picnic shelters, bordered by large pine trees to the north and the road through the railway precinct to the south.

The Common is a quiet space away from the busy main street, yet when needed this large area can be used for special events, such as our annual Spring events.

Reconciliation Garden

This garden is a small raised area bounded by a dry stone wall and planted with Australian natives.

The Reconciliation Sculpture consists of three vertical ironbark poles carved by local artists.

A lovely space for photos on special occasions

Robertson Grounds

The RHRS committee continues to maintain the gardens established by our founding Committee members Helen and David Tranter.  David and Helen planted a bank of waratah bushes on the south side of the railway line, opposite the railway station platform, as well as other native plants in the railway precinct.

In areas around the station itself, cottage annuals have been planted in keeping with the heritage nature of the buildings.

Information from the Robertson Railway Station Inc. Website.

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