St Andrews Presbyterian Church Moss Vale

7 Browley Street, Moss Vale


7 Browley Street, Moss Vale

P. 02 4886 4321

W. http://

We’d love you to join us one Sunday soon

Who Can Come?

Jesus invites us to enjoy a restored and deepening walk with God that enriches everyday life where we live, work & play. Church is the community where that connection is nurtured as we know and are known, love and are loved, serve and are served.

We’d love to welcome you into that community regardless of who you are, what you do, or where you’re at.

Church Service                  10am

After our Church Service we get together for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat as we continue to fellowship with one another.

What to expect?
  • We’ll spend some time singing together – worshipping God. You’re more than welcome to join in if you pick up the tune, but equally welcome to just soak it in.
  • We’ll talk to God in prayer about how amazing he is, confessing that we need him, and bringing to him the needs of our church, our country and the World.
  • We’ll hear from God’s word (the Bible). Someone will read a portion of it and it will be explained in a talk that might last somewhere around half an hour.

On the first Sunday of every month, following our Church Service, we enjoy a great time of fellowship with one another over lunch in the Church Hall.

On the first Sunday of every second month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec), during our Church Service, we remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice of His life for us at the Lord’s Supper (Communion).

Kids Church (years K-6)   10am

During School terms.